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Salesforce Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect Exam Practice Questions

Exam Code: Salesforce Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect
No. of Questions: 70 Q/A
Actual Exam Questions : 60 Q/A
Total Time: 105 min
Updated: 15 May 2023

We offer Salesforce Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect Practice Questions which will help you pass your exam on the first attempt. We strongly advise you to prepare with premium Salesforce Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect certification practice exam in order to assess your readiness and topic knowledge using real-time scenario-based questions and answers. Try a free practice test now!

Price (start at) : $150 $175

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Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect Exam

One of the major certifications that might help with job advancement is the Salesforce advancement Lifecycle and Deployment Architect designation. The Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect certification exam is made to test your knowledge and expertise and to give you concrete evidence of your competence. You can get new, in-demand skills and enhance your knowledge with the Salesforce Architect Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect certification exam, which will help you stay current and competitive in the market.

While researching and producing details, CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE AND DEPLOYMENT ARCHITECT Certification Experts constantly employ industry experience to produce correct and logical outcomes.

  • Complete CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE AND DEPLOYMENT ARCHITECT exam questions and answers with explanations
  • Verified Answers CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE AND DEPLOYMENT ARCHITECT exam questions are updated on a regular basis and are researched by industry professionals to be approximately 100% correct.
  • The CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE AND DEPLOYMENT ARCHITECT test preparation includes multiple-choice questions, much like the certification exams (MCQs).
  • It was fully tested before publishing.
  • Before you buy it from, try a free CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE AND DEPLOYMENT ARCHITECT exam sample.
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All of the sections that will be tested during the exam are listed here. A candidate should have practical experience and a thorough understanding of the following topics.


Application Lifecycle Management: 8%

    • Explain how to evaluate the advantages and dangers of the various development approaches in light of the project risk and client requirements. Based on the customer maturity, offer the best governance strategies.


Planning: 13%

    • Determine the people, technology, and procedures necessary by evaluating the Application Lifecycle Management maturity in the context of a complicated client scenario.
    • Identify risks related to the consumer environment and present relevant mitigation measures.
    • Analyze a customer scenario and suggest the best governance system.
    • Specify the best course of action to reduce risks for a customer scenario including a new Salesforce version (Summer, Winter, or Spring).


System Design: 15%

    • Describe how employing agile technologies to assist an agile development process is advantageous.
    • Examine business, technological, and architectural aspects that support the specified org strategy in light of a customer landscape and their needs.
    • Create an environment (sandbox) plan using the appropriate sandbox types based on a client scenario. (For instance, several project streams, instruction needs, staging, production, and hotfixes).
    • Compare, contrast, and suggest the elements and instruments of a successful deployment plan given a scenario.


Building: 14%

    • Explain how source control branching, versioning, and merging can be used and suggest appropriate strategies using a customer case.
    • Explain the best methods for creating test data strategies and unit tests to assure successful code (positive, negative, permission-based, huge data volume).
    • Describe the proper development paradigm (org-based vs. package-based) and development environment (scratch org vs. sandboxes), given a client scenario.
    • Explain how you use coding standards, pull requests, code reviews, and static code analysis to assure the delivery of high-quality code.


Deploying: 14%

    • Describe the capabilities, restrictions, and things to keep in mind when using the Metadata and Tooling APIs for deployment, given a situation.
    • Describe methods for handling pre- and post-deployment steps, including those not covered by the APIs, given a situation.
    • Describe methods for managing and deploying technical reference data given a scenario.


Testing: 13%

    • Describe and suggest an acceptable testing approach based on a customer situation.
    • Describe the proper test execution methodology and coverage requirements for a customer testing strategy.
    • Describe and suggest a unified test data approach that makes secure use of representative data throughout the development lifecycle based on a customer scenario.


Releasing: 13%

    • After being given a situation, analyse it and explain the use cases and factors to be taken into account when using managed, unmanaged, and unlocked packages.
    • Describe and suggest an effective release management strategy based on a customer scenario.


Operating: 10%

    • Describe the effects of adopting a specific request into a production environment given a specific customer environment scenario that includes the request.
    • Describe the effects on the development lifecycle and the methods to integrate changes into application lifecycle management using a customer scenario in which changes are made directly in production.
    • Compare and contrast methods for handling common release artifacts in the context of a multi-org customer situation.

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What is the Exam Cost for Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect?

The exam cost of a Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect is around $400 and to retake the exam, you are required to pay $200.

How to study for the Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect Exam?

Our expert team recommends taking notes on these topics and Questions created by our professional staff.

How to use the Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect Simulator?

Visit: and search for your certification or you can simply click Vendor then your certificate.

After this, you will be redirected to our practice question page where you will see Try Exam, Download practice, and Buy Now.

Click on Try Exam for Free exam simulation or download it on your device.

To pass the Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect, use our online Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect study resources and test our Testing Engine, which is constantly updated.

Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect practice exam questions are tests designed to illustrate the capabilities of our Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect exam simulator via a Web Simulator and Mobile App. You will get access to a large number of Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect test questions and will be able to practice your knowledge online. Preparing for the Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect test has never been easier.

Why Choose BookMyCertification?

We are here to reassure you that this Certification is simple to obtain. Experienced IT specialists have produced our study resources and cover all major knowledge topics. We guarantee that these Certification guidebooks will be updated in time with the changes in the actual examinations. Furthermore, provides online practice and expert advice throughout your preparatory work.

Benefits of Preparing the Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect Certification with bookmycertification

You will have amazing benefits after completing the certification as not just only this certification will help you gain financial growth as well as improve your career. These benefits are as follows:

  • Earning a Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect credential will help you in differentiating yourself from other sales professionals and authenticate your skills and knowledge.
  • After successfully obtaining the certificate. You will increase your job opportunities.
  • The candidates having this credential will always receive a higher salary as compared to the individual who doesn’t have any certification.
  • You will immediately secure your job as the companies don’t really let go of the people having this credential.
  • Lastly, the candidates will improve their professional network as well as their credibility as there is a lot to learn when start preparing for this certification.

Price : $150 $175

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Expires: Sep 23, 2022


Vendor : Salesforce

Last Updated On : 15 May 2023

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